Installation submittals

Here at we believe in accepting other people's installations to put up on the web for the benefit of others. However, if we are going to accept submissions from other enthusiasts we have a few rules you must follow to make the work on us a lot easier.

1. Please submit the main text body without photographs in a simple text file.
2. Inside the same file the body of text is in, supply a list photo names and the order they are to be presented in.
3. All photo's should be in .png or .jpg format.
4. The image file should be 800 pixels in width (minimum) and 1000 pixels in width (maximum).
5. Please compress all the images in zip format and email the file to us. We can only accept email attachments 10 MB and smaller so it may be required you divide the photo's in several groups of zipped files.
7. Contact us to get our email.